The Grand Master has ordered that the Altars be draped in black until 21 March 2025 to honor MW Paul M. Curran, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary, ACGL


2025 Annual Communication Registration

Welcome to the American Canadian Grand Lodge

We are happy about your interest in Freemasonry and the ACGL.
As a fraternal organization, Freemasonry unites men of good character who, though of different religious, ethnic or social backgrounds, believe in the brotherhood of mankind under the fatherhood of God.
In the present time, in which a certain lack of perspective prevails, Freemasonry offers the path and goal which is aptly described thus: “Freemasonry makes a good man better.”
In the tradition of enlightenment and humanism, we men of different religious, political, and ideological convictions – want to make an attempt to make the world and the society in which we live a more humane and better one.
Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest Fraternity. Its history and tradition date to antiquity. Its singular purpose is to make good men better. Its bonds of friendship, compassion and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military, and religious conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a place for worship. Instead, it is a friend of all religions which are based on the belief in one God.
Freemasons are respectable citizens who are taught to conform to the moral laws of society and to abide by the laws of the government under which they live. They are men of charity and good works. They remain unchallenged as “the world’s greatest philanthropy!”

ACGL Factsheet


Constituent Lodges


Spoken Languages



Core Values of Freemasonry


Rather than working on real buildings like the masons of old, today’s Freemasons focus on building themselves as people of integrity, and membership provides the structure to help achieve that goal.


One of the oldest social organisations in the world, Freemasonry is not defined by an ideology. It is open to people from all religions and political persuasions and provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.


With a membership of more than 15,300 people drawn from communities across Germany, Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society.


Kindness and charitable giving are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry. The organisation provides a support structure that helps members make positive contributions to communities and worthwhile causes through fundraising events or volunteer work.

Latest News

Constituent Lodges

Here you can find the list of Constituent Lodges of the American Canadian Grand  Lodge.

Grand Lodge Districts

The Lodges of our Grand Lodge are organized in Districts. Each District has a dedicated Grand Lodge representative, the District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM). Find out more about our Districts and DDGMs here.

Grand Masters Charity

Each Masonic Year, the Grand Master of the American Canadian Grand Lodge selects a charity project, which the Grand Lodge will primarily support in that year. Learn more about the Grand Masters Charity here.

The Communicator

The Communicator” is the ACGL bi-annual online magazine, where you can find out about all the latest news, read about our charity work and discover more about Freemasonry.

The United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD)

  • VGLvD
  • GL AFuAMvD
  • GNML 3WK
  • GL BFG

Concordant & Appendant Bodies

Concordant Bodies are those organizations that continue the teachings of the first three degrees of Masonry and other Bodies are Appendant and affiliated with Freemasonry. Many Concordant/Appendant Bodies require membership in a Blue Lodge prior to joining.
  • Emirat Shriners
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