Grand Master 2024 Thomas Litz

FAITH – HOPE – CHARITY – Grand Master Installation Speech

Distinguished East, Brothers, Ladies and Guests:


Welcome, and thank you all for traveling long distances to be with us at this wonderful ceremony.
It has been my honor to serve under MW Luis A. Baez-Delgado, now our Junior Past Grand Masters and other Grand Lodge Officers together with all the Past Grand Masters – Thank you for your wisdom and wise council. You have always had not only assisted with words, but also with a helping hand in times of need – a perfect example how a brother should act.

I thank the Brothers of this Grand Lodge for choosing me to serve you. It is my great honor to accept the trust you all have placed in me. I pledge to maintain the high standards set by our Past Grand Masters. I look forward to work with the elected and appointed officers as faithful servants of our Grand Lodge. I also thank Solomon Lodge No. 822 for this dedicated opening of the Lodge.

Dear all, FAITH – HOPE – CHARITY are the central parts which lay the foundation for our fraternity.
So let me have a quick look at FAITH.
When we quote the Volume of the Sacred Law Ecclesiastes 3,1-2 “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die…” We all are sitting here right now means that we all have be born. Our mother gave us birth and the Great Architect gave us the holy spirit. But the time and place haven’t we not foreseen nor is it our merit to be born – we haven’t even been asked. In addition, we also don’t know the day or the hour when we have to lay down our working tools to travel to that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. Since there is a time between birth and death, and the Great Architect gave us the Spirit, there must be a reason for it – we all have a mission to fulfill and a heavenly task to complete. May we don’t know it yet, but it is for sure, that you will find it by seeking for the TRUTH and follow the guidelines of the Volume of the Sacred Law. Therefore, have FAITH in the Great Architect and his divine plan, that he will guide you and helps you to make the right decisions in your life.

As we have heard before “Man judges not man!”, so shouldn’t we judge others. When we have a look at our white aprons, you always find black spots – there is no one without having black spots on his apron. So don’t forget to look at the huge white areas of the apron of a brother and don’t judge him by his black spots or even look down to him from above. The only occasion a brother should look down to another brother is, when helping him up.

When we quote the Volume of the Sacred Law Ecclesiastes 3,4 there is “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance”. Today my brethren it is not a day to mourn or to weep – today is a day to laugh, dance and celebrate. So, in the evening, when we gather again together, just praise and have Faith in the Lord, thinking of all brethren, families and friends who couldn’t make it here today for whatever reason, celebrate yourself and the fraternity, dancing your shoes off and rock the house.


Please read about the Grand Master’s Charity here.

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